Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Each year, for us, is a battle against Autism. It's a battle of time, effort, patience, sanity and pressures!

2013, will be different. 2013 is US against AUTISM!

I am sick of people saying my daughter is fine, saying they can't help her, saying it's a mental health problem that can't be helped, saying she will be fine once she adjusts to the loss of her sisters & the continual BS list of excuses I hear.

This year, I am continuing to be her BIGGEST advocate BUT I am going about it a different way. I am not taking no for an answer. I am working on her problems MYSELF. I am making all the calls, forcing the referrals, demanding the help, demanding the accommodations & more!

For those who personally know me, you know thats nothing different then what I do now. Except, now I have a better understanding of ALL of it, so I can go at with more force and knowledge!

2013 will be a year for me to help my daughter progress PAST the line of being told shes never going to be normal! This year we are taking on Autism and we will win!

I KNOW that you can't HEAL autism, you can't "fix" an autistic child, but what you can do, is make their lives easier by learning to work with them, understand them, communicate their way and make the world work FOR them NOT against them! So, here we go 2013! Autism watch out, I am determined to help my daughter the best I can!

Autism doesn't define her, it doesn't stop her, it doesn't break her, it doesn't change her! It just means she is UNIQUE, SPECIAL, SMART & most importantly MINE :)

Princess I love you and this year we will take on Autism together! No one can stop us!

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